Monday, April 04, 2011

Five Years of Yulinka Cooks

So I’ve been food blogging for five years. The idea for Yulinka Cooks was hatched in 2005, when I discovered first-generation food blogs like The Amateur Gourmet and Chocolate and Zucchini. In March ’06, inspired by my first kitchen and armed with a $30 digital camera, I set up a Blogger account.

Since then, I’ve written 239 blog posts, read 1,224 comments and went through five kitchens. I abandoned Yulinka Cooks a few times but couldn’t break it off for good.

I made borsch, pickled mushrooms and herring in a fur coat. I rose to the top of Google search results for a  while with my recipe for homemade Russian farmer’s cheese. I earned a bit of beer money in blog ads before BlogHer kicked me out for failing to update. I dabbled in food-themed travel blogging and memoir-writing. I got myself into a real newspaper. I picked up some Photoshop tricks and spruced up the layout. I wrote snarky reviews of grocery stores. I met cool people who read and commented on this blog.

For better or worse, Yulinka Cooks has been the online backdrop to the better part of my 20s.

If you’re reading this, thanks. I raise five shot glasses of vodka to you.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I will match you those five shots. You may not know me but I fully enjoy your posts!

Thank you,

Unknown said...

I raise you those five shots!

You may not know me, but I truly enjoy your posts.

Thank you,

Ruta Stabiņa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Irene said...

Congratulations! Five years is pretty darn cool.

Mrs. M. said...

Foodperestroika--Thanks! Looking forward to reading your blog.

Boodle, Ruta & Irena--Thank you! Much appreciated!

Alina said...

I like your blog a lot and really glad that you're back. 5 years is a big accomplishment, hope you enjoyed it.

Sara said...

Congratulations! I jsut found your blog so missed the first five years, but looking forward to more posts!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Your blog encouraged me to start my own. It's taken a life of its own now.

I learn a lot from your blog and enjoy reading it.

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